Source Material

Edinburgh is the source environment used for the Edinopolis project and while specific aspects are particular to Edinburgh, the structure can be grafted and adapted to other sites. A parallel way of considering the architecture of the project is that of a programming object with attributes and properties that can be scoped and modified.

Edinburgh represents an environment with physical, demographic and cultural attributes. These are largely dynamic and have histories recorded to various degrees and with an open ended number of versions. The attributes can also be explored as having potential energy or kinetic energy.

One strand in the fabric

The project has several strands, one is anthropological.

An example of the people-organism analysis

Looking at the people of Edinburgh there are scales to analyze, from individual, family, clan, through groups to Edinburgh city and surroundings as an overall entity. Identifying the leading potential or dynamic at a chosen point or range in time requires inspection of whether a particular configuration of attributes is at play and has the credentials, albeit it an arbitrary formulation, to be labelled as a vector in some  projection and system. The level of detail necessary to  come up  with a useful analysis is a challenge and any definitions needed to describe patterns or formulae that help intuit behaviours and trends will not be cast in tablets of stone, but rather only locally useful at best.

The mission as such is to find prevalent driving factors and rate them with special regard to accident and, or design.